jessica anderson-gwin

 Jessica Anderson-Gwin has 19 years of dance experience, 6 years of pole experience, and a B.A. from UCLA in World Arts and Cultures with a concentration in dance.  She founded Jagged: A Contemporary Pole Dance Company in 2009 and has since fab…


Jessica Anderson-Gwin has 19 years of dance experience, 6 years of pole experience, and a B.A. from UCLA in World Arts and Cultures with a concentration in dance.  She founded Jagged: A Contemporary Pole Dance Company in 2009 and has since fabricated pole sets, taken pole dancing on national television, is the subject of the documentary "Off The Floor," and continues to perform with her company and compete in as many diverse places as possible.  Jessica opened Jagged Vertical Dance & Fitness studio in 2014 that has both aerial and alternative fitness classes including her creation PoleOgraphy which fuses aerial arts with dance.  She likes to cross train with different types of aerial, but pole is her main squeeze!